Choir Recognition Sunday, Choir Picnic, Farewell to Rachel Segger

This year’s choir recognition Sunday came, as it always does, with the presentation of choir awards, the investiture of Novices to the status of Singing Boys and Girls of the Trinity Choirs, and the tearful blessing and farewells of graduation members of the choir. This year, however, there was an additional bittersweet strain in the harmony of the day, as it also marked the end of the tenure of Rachel Segger as Music Program Manager. Rachel’s myriad talents and profound dedication to the choirs of Trinity on the Green have steered the program through the challenges of the past few years, and she will be sorely missed by all. We are grateful to her for her continued commitment to assist the program from the pews, and we look forward to the future of the Choirs in no small part due to her stewardship.

Kyle PichaComment